Sunday, August 19, 2007
Dog Fights vs. Animal Rights
Dog Fighting vs. Pig Slaughter Houses
Even though humans have a near universal dog fetish, it should be noted that pigs are smarter and have more developed personalities. As worst, they are on equal footing with dogs in terms of intellectual capacity -- around the cognitive level of a three year old human. With dog fighting, there is actually incentive to have a strong, healthy, well exercised dog. Chances are these animals are raised in much better conditions than the millions of pigs which are raised in factory farms setting and slaughtered each year. The pigs will spend their entire lives in concrete pens, force fed hormones and substandard food, getting little exercise, at the end of which they will be killed by tortuous methods including electrocution, boiling alive, or bleeding to death. Many of the animals are not killed by the time the reach the processing stations, and die as they are being turned into pork chops and sausages. These pigs, whom omnivores are directly responsible for murdering, are at least facing as much pain as a few dogs who are dying as a result of fighting.
Cock Fighting vs. Factory Farmed Chickens
The factory farmed chicken, which accounts for the vast majority of chicken products (keep in mind "free range" usually means there is a small opening leading to a wire pen outside the factory where chickens can theoretically see some sunlight -- this rarely happens), must be in far worse conditions than the cocks who are raised to fight. The chicken which reaches the plate of an omnivore has spent most of its life in a small wire cage, in cramped conditions, being pumped with hormones, often in close proximity of other dead animals, beaks are often burned off, among other horrors.
Final Thoughts
Dog fighting, and animal fighting in general is barbaric and shouldn't be allowed. But there really is no difference between fighting dogs in a basement and slaughtering millions of sentient pigs. The suffering is just as real, the conditions probably much worse, the numbers far great, and the message the same: that humans are entitled to use other sentient beings how they wish, without regard for their well being. If you are one of the omnivores who annually kills 100's of defenseless animals, think twice before you point the finger at Michael Vick.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Go(re) Vegan?

While pop-culture interest in "Global Warming" has skyrocketed in the months following Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Everyone is talking about in some way or another, whether to "debunk" the science (we're betting these people also spend a good deal of time "debunking" evolution) or preaching "go green" by doing things like.... drive a Prius.
Gore & space cadet Richard Branson have both ponied up $25m to the "first person to develop a technology that will efficiently remove carbon from the atmosphere". (I sent them a couple douglas fir saplings, but I am still waiting for my check). Which alludes to perhaps the biggest inconvient truth of the whole Global Warming crisis : we already know how to drastically reduce greenhouse gasses : GO VEGAN.
"Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius."To highlite the issue, PETA has demanded that the LIVE EARTH concert for Global Warming eliminate meat from the menu. They say, and I agree, that a concert for the environment selling meat is hypocritical. (Not to mention all the cars that will be driving to the event, etc. etc.)
In the words of Yvonne Taylor, "There's no such thing as a meat eating environmentalist."
The original article is here:
Wembley Urged To Take Meat Off Live Earth Menu
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Floods are judgment on society, say bishops
Taking a page from Cortez, the Bishop is trying to co-opt natural phenomenon to sway the behavior of the people.
To be sure not to deviat from the blatant hypocryse of christian mythology in general, he continues "In the Bible, institutional power is referred to as 'the beast', which sets itself up to control people and their morals. Our government has been playing the role of God in saying that people are free to act as they want..."
Somehow the "institutional power" of the Church avoids being labeled as "the beast" when it attempts to control the people and their morals.
For you anorexics who may have lost your toothbrush this morning:
Floods are judgment on society, say bishops
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Skinny Bitches Are Coming!
Since I only date Skinny Bitches, I wanted to give a big thank you to Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin for writing the new diet book, Skinny Bitch, which promotes a vegan diet. This is just the thing to buy for any female in your life... if all goes according to plan, we'll be seeing a bunch of newly converted vegan skinny bitches running around in a city near you.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Cognitive Dissonance
1. The Bible Argument:
2. The Tradition Argument:
3. The Taste Argument:
4. The Teeth Argument: “Our teeth are made for eating meat. All animals that have teeth like ours eat meat. So we should be able to eat meat.”
6. The Darwinian/Machiavellian Argument:
7. The A-moral Beings Argument:
8. The Intelligence/Rationality Argument:
It's important to point out that much of this holds true for the poultry and dairy industry as well, as animals are torture and killed in the production of milk and eggs.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Holy (Mind) Fuck.
"Angels were created as ministering agents, though some, under the leadership of Satan,Check out the full, actual application for employment. The "doctrinal statement" on page four is where it really starts to get good:
fell from their sinless state to become agents of evil."
"The universe was created in six historical days ..."
"Human beings were directly created, not evolved..."
It would be amazing if we could draft similar declarations for state institutions, such as:
"We affirm to dispel all irrational belief, primarily, any belief that is not grounded in verifiable reality."Why is "faith" the one area of our society where you can be a completely illogical buffoon and people will continue to "respect your beliefs"? Religion has one function, to preserve and further exaggerate social caste systems.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thinking Pains
Everyone's favorite crackpot was recently engaged in a debate vs. reason. Kirk Cameron, childhood star of the hit Growing Pains is now trying to find salvation for himself and others as an evangelist.
The recent televised debate featured Cameron and his partner of Way of the Master (no, serioulsy) vs. a slightly more tolerable pair from the Rational Response Squad. The idea was, Way of the Master was going to prove the existance of god 100%, without the use of faith or the bible, and rely strickly on scientific methods. (no, seriously).
I watched the opening remarks before retreating to the head to relive myself orally of my most recent meal, but it went a little something like this. Way of the Master began with the tired "Creation requires a Creator" gambit, and then quickly spun out into preaching and biblical references, clearly ignoring the rules of engagment previously outlined.
The Rational Response Squad did a great job of refuting this easily refutable claim, however, they really scored a big zero on the charisma scale. This is problematic, especially when facing an opponent on a televised debate, even more so when your opponent is (arguably) a famous proffessional actor! It's remincent of the 1960 Nixon - Kennedy debate. Luckily though, the religious lunitics didn't have an argument (as always) and reason soundly won.
Even though I was pulling for him, Kirk failed in convincing me to adopt a theistic lifestyle, let alone make the leap to Christian mythology. I was fairly convinced, however, of the dangers of childhood stardom. Why can't they all just turn to meth and hookers for salvation after their careers drop off the face of the planet.
The ABC article and video can be found here: