While pop-culture interest in "Global Warming" has skyrocketed in the months following Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Everyone is talking about in some way or another, whether to "debunk" the science (we're betting these people also spend a good deal of time "debunking" evolution) or preaching "go green" by doing things like.... drive a Prius.
Gore & space cadet Richard Branson have both ponied up $25m to the "first person to develop a technology that will efficiently remove carbon from the atmosphere". (I sent them a couple douglas fir saplings, but I am still waiting for my check). Which alludes to perhaps the biggest inconvient truth of the whole Global Warming crisis : we already know how to drastically reduce greenhouse gasses : GO VEGAN.
"Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius."To highlite the issue, PETA has demanded that the LIVE EARTH concert for Global Warming eliminate meat from the menu. They say, and I agree, that a concert for the environment selling meat is hypocritical. (Not to mention all the cars that will be driving to the event, etc. etc.)
In the words of Yvonne Taylor, "There's no such thing as a meat eating environmentalist."
The original article is here:
Wembley Urged To Take Meat Off Live Earth Menu