Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Agribusiness journal concedes : The Activists Are Winning.

From Agribusiness journal Feedstuffs recently (April 2) editorialized:

"Very recent developments would suggest that producers are now losing. If producers are losing, others are also losing -- everyone who has a stake in dairy, meat and poultry production... [I]t's not about animal welfare. It's not about cages and stalls... It's about raising animals for food, and the activists' agenda is to end the practice. It will take decades, but they are the ones who are winning -- piece by piece by piece."

It's about a movement toward non-exploitation. If you support the exploitation of other conscious organism, do not complain when you (or other humans) are exploited by another conscious organism. DNA vs. DNA. The same survival of the fittest framework that allows for consumption of our non-human brothers and sisters also allows for slavery, chavenism, racism, etc. If we as a species are to move into the future successfully, we must shed the archaic practice of exploitation, and transcend into a more protective, advanced society.

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