Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dog Fights vs. Animal Rights

Michael Vick is a dirt bag. Uneducated, primitive, unintelligent. He's on the lower end of the bell curve. But, so are all omnivores. Further, they are hypocrites for criticizing Michael Vick, since they routinely kill over 100 animals yearly in much crueler circumstances. Lets look at the following comparisons:

Dog Fighting vs. Pig Slaughter Houses

Even though humans have a near universal dog fetish, it should be noted that pigs are smarter and have more developed personalities. As worst, they are on equal footing with dogs in terms of intellectual capacity -- around the cognitive level of a three year old human. With dog fighting, there is actually incentive to have a strong, healthy, well exercised dog. Chances are these animals are raised in much better conditions than the millions of pigs which are raised in factory farms setting and slaughtered each year. The pigs will spend their entire lives in concrete pens, force fed hormones and substandard food, getting little exercise, at the end of which they will be killed by tortuous methods including electrocution, boiling alive, or bleeding to death. Many of the animals are not killed by the time the reach the processing stations, and die as they are being turned into pork chops and sausages. These pigs, whom omnivores are directly responsible for murdering, are at least facing as much pain as a few dogs who are dying as a result of fighting.

Cock Fighting vs. Factory Farmed Chickens

The factory farmed chicken, which accounts for the vast majority of chicken products (keep in mind "free range" usually means there is a small opening leading to a wire pen outside the factory where chickens can theoretically see some sunlight -- this rarely happens), must be in far worse conditions than the cocks who are raised to fight. The chicken which reaches the plate of an omnivore has spent most of its life in a small wire cage, in cramped conditions, being pumped with hormones, often in close proximity of other dead animals, beaks are often burned off, among other horrors.

Final Thoughts

Dog fighting, and animal fighting in general is barbaric and shouldn't be allowed. But there really is no difference between fighting dogs in a basement and slaughtering millions of sentient pigs. The suffering is just as real, the conditions probably much worse, the numbers far great, and the message the same: that humans are entitled to use other sentient beings how they wish, without regard for their well being. If you are one of the omnivores who annually kills 100's of defenseless animals, think twice before you point the finger at Michael Vick.


Unknown said...

hey,I know my rights cause Im an animal.
Cat fights.....
now thats where its at.

1990081113 said...

It most certainly IS the same thing, erinlb03. Both are forms of exploitation and violence and violate the interest of sentient beings, and both are done for the benefit of pleasure--the pleasures just happen to be different. People don't need to consume animal products to survive (don't deny it, because I am vegan and am not an anomaly). People eat meat, eggs and dairy because it tastes good, wear fur and leather for vanity, watch animals in circuses and rodeos for entertainment, and purchase products tested on animals because it's more convenient than seeking out alternatives. Those are not good enough excuses for inflicting such harm onto sentient beings.

Most people who say that "unnecessary" suffering of nonhumans is unacceptable, support the exploitation and violence to nonhumans which is under the very category of "unnecessary." Those who truly care about nonhuman animals will extend their compassion to ALL sentient beings (not just the cute ones who play fetch) and go vegan.

AliveOrJustBreathing said...

I'm a bit torn on this subject. Dog fighting isn't a hobby of mine, however it's not the same magnitude of the slaughter houses. I will admit, the horrors animals are put through to get to my belly aren't things I'm proud of. However, if things were similar to the stone ages, I'd be killing the same animals in very similar fashions. Us putting the animals in pens is just a sign of our thought process evolving. Why chase the food when we can breed it? Why have poor tasting me? Let's pump 'em with 'roids so they taste good.

Also for the vegan choice: good for you, just think that we were given canines for a reason. To tear up meat. Humans are naturally born omnivores.

(Don't ask why I'm like 8 months late. Something sparked me researching this and I came across this.)

Lexian1 said...

I don't know who you are, nor am I going to bother reading whatever this post says. I was scrolling through an image of what Micheal Vick did to that dog, and found the most idiotic half-arsed attack on meat eaters ever in the form of "You do this to cows!".

You're incorrect, and not only are you incorrect, you're astoundingly ignorant. If you cannot see the difference between torturing a living animal for no point whatsoever, and consuming a prepackaged amount of meat which you did not, specifically, kill, are not responsible for the death of, and are certain came from a location in which the death of said animal was in keeping with laws put in place to prevent the suffering of animals, then you really should not have a keyboard with which to pollute the world with your nauseating and impressively inaccurate opinion.

You may simply climb down off of your high horse because you do not partake of meat. Open your eyes and realize that the suggestion of lumping together someone who tortures animals and people who eat meat is the same as me saying you're no different from the people who slaughtered endless buffalos for their hides and left the carcasses to waste away.

Do you see how idiotic that is? How my saying you won't eat meat directly links you to OTHER people who waste the meat?

You waste food. You let go to waste the meat of the animals that die, you allow their death, regardless of how they went, to be in vain with a staggering disregard for the value of life. So take your own advice, and before pointing the finger of blame aimlessly based on some thoughtless personal opinion, you examine how that can be done to you to render your actions horribly reprehensible.

Every time I take a bite of a hamburger, you see me as being a murderer. Every time you see the healthy, edible meat of a poor animal that has already died and do NOT attempt to use it... you're doing worse than killing them. You're MAKING their death pointless. Well done.

Micheal Vick. Asshole. You, no better. Start valuing life and stop using it as a personal crusade to fuel your high horse.

I won't be reading this again, nor do I really care what responses it gets, as I will not see it. I'm certain it may get followed up with something that makes an offended reader feel like less of a hypocritical, judgmental arse. I've said my piece. Next time you feel like pointing out the evils of meat eaters, think about how much you let WASTE, how much life you disrespect by letting it waste away. Life is life, regardless. I hate cattle ranchers, I could not do such a thing as raise animals to slaughter. That doesn't mean I'm going to let it go to waste. Nor am I going to go and grow another type of life, like the vegetation you eat, to grow and kills.

Back on with your blindfold, now that I've had my say. Blindly stumble forward back to your crusade.

gdahimself said...

How do you solve the paradox that you have to kill something to fauna or flora to eat to survive.

There those who believe plants aren't as insensate or more aware than we think.

What does that leave - Top Soil or soylent green?

Unknown said...

its easy for the government to do something about cock fighting (prison/court income etc...) but how about the fighting of egg farms (egg$)...? when I search the images section of google I see deformed chickens... some barely able to walk... people complain of the ammonia stench...

surely the masses would cry foul over imprisoning chicken farmers... and the government extremists would cry socialism...

I urge you to stick to this comparison.. is it about the chickens or not?

Unknown said...

its easy for the government to do something about cock fighting (prison/court income etc...) but how about the fighting of egg farms (egg$)...? when I search the images section of google I see deformed chickens... some barely able to walk... people complain of the ammonia stench...

surely the masses would cry foul over imprisoning chicken farmers... and the government extremists would cry socialism...

I urge you to stick to this comparison.. is it about the chickens or not?